Feng Lu Yao
aka Zoe LuYao Sharp

Monday, January 09, 2006

Waiting for The Stork to Write Us a Referral

OK, we're still waiting, but the time is definitely going by. So much yet to do! In as little time left as 2 months (early March, maybe even February/May) we will get our "referral" of the baby. That is international adoptspeak for "match" between you and the baby, made in 6-8 months from your approval for adoption by the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA). They identify the baby whose just right for you (arrived at of course through some admixture of your stated needs/realistic desires, the baby's deemed needs and best interest, and Random Chance).

Personally, I like the x-factor, that element of chance; after all, aside from the most educated guess, does anyone really know what their baby will look like or be like before she comes into their world? How exciting to discover who this baby is! I have been reexamining the meaning of "pregnant" too. It's defined as rich in significance or implication: meaningful, profound, filled with meaning or importance which has not yet been expressed or understood; full, replete - ie. pregnant with possiblities. Yep.

As far as our expectations, we are also with very good reason confident in the great level of care in which the orphanages in China give to the infants entrusted to them, and in their international adoption process.

So, at last with our referral will come her picture (we are expecting a girl), her name, her possible birthdate (often unknown for certain in Chinese adoptions), and health information. We'll have just enough time to pick ourselves off the floor, jump up and down, assess, consider, accept, announce, jump up and down and around some more, and then we'll have a month or two more from that point to so some more of that and prepare for the trip to finally meet her.

We know we're getting closer when other parents-to-be just ahead of us in the process are getting their referrals and will be going to bring their children home in just a couple of months! Let's all say the mantra together: Next will be us, next will be us...



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