Feng Lu Yao
aka Zoe LuYao Sharp

Friday, February 02, 2007

Off to Guangzhou

The day flies by when you're taking care of an infant. It's like a never-ending game of Myst - constantly searching for that special trick that will get her to drink her formula or go to sleep. So even though we had most of today free (we got Zoe's Chinese passport this morning) I didn't have a chance to write "A Country Run By My Mother" - in which the people of Nanchang behold in amazement the American men going out in sub-60-degree weather without four layers of clothing to protect against "the cold", or "The Walmart Dumpling Gang" in which we take Zoe, strapped to my chest in an infant carrier, to Walmart for supplies, how I fed her standing in a crowded elevator, and entertained lunchtime diners at a local dumpling restaurant as I walked cranky Zoe up and down the restaurant while singing God-knows-what to her.

All that will have to wait, as we're off to Guangzhou tomorrow to prove to the American consulate that Zoe is our daughter and get her a visa home.

In the meantime, I've posted some more pictures and some new videos. Enjoy!


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