Feng Lu Yao
aka Zoe LuYao Sharp

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sorry, got lost in Zoeland for awhile...

Hi y'all,

It's June, Mama Lorin is back at work, and while she's on the computer all day now, she happened to go to the blog, and is finally getting disgusted enough with the state of the website to post a quick update! Although I'm not sure who is still checking, I thought I'd throw you a bone if you are. And if not, at least for Ken and me!

Sorry to keep everyone in suspense. But, predictably enough, Zoe has grown and developed tremendously since February, and it takes more and more energy to keep up with her! She's had visits from grandparents, traveled to New York and met more relatives, and turned 1 in May-OMG!! She is pulling/pushing herself up onto everything in sight, decided she really likes crawling but may decide to walk any minute now, is eating some solid food (tries new things all the time), decided the bath is fun, and just gets cuter, sweeter and funnier every day.

(By the way, Ken has set up a new picture server at work - more Zoe pix than even we know what to do with! Check it out at:
http://www.stanford.edu/~ksharp/gallery2 )

She shares a nanny during the weekdays in San Mateo with a little boy just 4 days older than her! As they have been getting used to sharing time and toys together, they've begun to learn all kinds of neat stuff from one another! Such as, the crawl-chase, who can eat more of Olga's food, and who can yell the loudest for attention. Unfortunately, naps, which had become more routine at home, have once again become a challenge, and we're always concerned she isn't getting enough sleep. Of course, it's also hard for Ken & I to get enough sleep these days. Ah... parenthood!

We are beginning to truly understand why it's so hard for our parent-friends to get together. Hope we don't get too cut off from everyone! Always great to get e-mail from people, so "keep those cards & letters coming" and keep in touch!

Love, Lorin
((If you want to send "private" e-mail (not posted), use lorins@slac.stanford.edu or kensharp@pacbell.net)